Cavy publications from Africa

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With focus on Africa (and developing countries)

  • Ayagirwe, R.B.B., Meutchieye, F., Manjeli, Y. and Maass, B.L. 2018. Production systems, phenotypic and genetic diversity, and performance of cavy reared in sub-Saharan Africa: A review. Livestock Research for Rural Development 30(6): Article #105; URL: (published online 1 Jun 2018).
  • Blench, R.M. 2000. African minor livestock species. In: Blench, R.M. and MacDonald, K.C. The origins and development of African livestock: Archaeology, genetics, linguistics and enthnography. University College London Press, London, UK. Pp. 314-338. [Google book]
  • Hardouin, J. 2001. Le cobaye: préjugés et vérités. BEDIM Bull. 10(2):25-27; URL: [[1]] [Link disconneted]
  • Hardouin, J. and Stiévenart, C. 1991. La caviaculture ou élevage de cobayes. In: Le mini-élevage dans les pays tropicaux. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp. 25-27.
  • Hardouin, J. and Thys, É. 1997. Le mini-élevage, son développement villageois et l’action de BEDIM. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 1(2):92-99.
  • Hardouin, J., Demey, F. and Fransolet M.F. 1991. Le cobaye Cavia porcellus L., animal de boucherie en pays tropicaux. Annales-de-Gembloux (Belgium) 97(3):69-80.
  • Hardouin, J., Thys, É., Joiris, V. and Fielding, D. 2003. Mini-livestock breeding with indigenous species in the tropics. Livestock Research for Rural Development 15(4): Article #30; URL: [[2]]
  • Hoffman, L.C. 2008. The yield and nutritional value of meat from African ungulates, camelidae, rodents, ratites and reptiles. Meat Science 80:94-100.
  • Lammers, P.J., Carlson, S.L., Zdorkowski, G.A. and Honeyman, M.S. 2009. Reducing food insecurity in developing countries through meat production: the potential of the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24:155-162. (URL:
  • Loetz, E., and C. Novoa. 1983. Meat from the guinea pig. Span 26(2):84-86. (URL:
  • Martin, F. 1991. Guinea pigs for meat production. ECHO Technical Note; URL: [|]. [Kiswahili version ‘Kavi kwa nyama’ by P. Bunyali-Kamoyani, 2005, URL: [[3]]


  • Nuwanyakpa, M., Lukefahr, S.D., Gudahl, D. and Ngoupayou, J.D. 1997. The current stage and future prospects of guinea pig production under smallholder conditions in West Africa; 1. Global overview. Livestock Research for Rural Development 9(5): Article #42; URL:

Alphabetically by African country:


  • Faihun, A.M.L., Akouedegni, C.G., Olounlade, P.A., Adenile, D.A. and Hounzangbe-Adote, S.M. 2017. Typologie des élevages de cobayes (Cavia porcellus) au Bénin. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 11(2):556-570. (open access; URL: [[4]])





  • Fransolet, M.C., Horlait, P. and Hardouin, J. 1994. Élevage expérimental du cobaye – Cavia porcellus – en région équatoriale au Gabon. Revue Élev. Méd. Vét. Pays trop. 47(1):107-111.



  • Barwa, E. 2009. Increasing household protein consumption through minilivestock production in Nigeria. The Information Manager 9(2):10-14.
  • Dikko, A.H., S.S.A. Egena, A.A. Malik and H. Ibrahim. 2009. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) as an untapped protein source for man: The potentialities, opportunities and challenges. Proceedings of 14th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), 14-17 Sep. 2009, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Nigeria. pp. 540-542.
  • Egena, S.S.A. 2010. Body length, heart girth and trunk length as predictors of live body weight of Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) in the southern Guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. New York Science Journal 3(2):9-14. PDF
  • Egena, S.S.A. 2011. Relationship between body weight and linear body dimensions of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) in the southern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Malaysian Journal of Science 29(1):10-13. PDF
  • Egena, S.S.A., Alabi, J.O., Dikko, H.A., Stephen, E., Silas, A.T. and Musa, C.T. 2010a. Growth performance and nutrient digestibility of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed two levels of protein and energy. International Journal of Applied Biological Research (IJABR) 2(2):38-43.
  • Egena, S.S.A., Garba Husseini, Silas, T. and Musa, C.T. 2010b. Effect of sex on linear body measurements of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Assumption University Journal of Technology (AU J.T.) 14(1):61-65. PDF
  • Olojede, J.C. and Njoku, M.E. 2007. Involvement of women in livestock production: a means of reducing hunger and malnutrition in Ikwuano local government area of Abia state, Nigeria. Agricultural Journal 2(2):231-235.


  • Franke, A.C. and de Wolf, J.J. 2011. N2Africa Baseline Report. Report N2Africa project, Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. 127 pp. URL: [[5]].
  • MAE (République du Rwanda, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage). 2004. Rapport national sur l’état des ressources zoogénétiques. MAE, Kigali, Rwanda. 58 pp. (Accessed 2017 Jan 16; URL: [[6]])
  • Ouma E. and Birachi E. (eds.). 2011. CIALCA baseline survey. CIALCA Technical Report 17. CIALCA (Consortium for Improving Agriculture­based Livelihoods in Central Africa). CIAT, IITA and Bioversity International, Nairobi, Kenya and Ibadan, Nigeria. (Accessed 2011 Aug 04; URL:
  • Mwiza, W.K., Kugonza, D.R. and Mutimura, M. (2016). Growth performance of Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) under intensive feeding regime. Submitted to CABI.


  • Komwihangilo, D.M., Meutchieye, F., Urassa, N.S., Chang’a, E., Kasilima, C.S., Msaka, L.F. and E. J. M. Shirima, E.J.M. 2016. Non conventional livestock for better livelihood: Prospects of domestic cavy in mixed production systems of Tanzania. HURIA—Journal of the Open University of Tanzania 22:59-69. File:Komwihangilo_etal_2016_Cavia_TZA_HURIA 22.pdf
  • Matthiesen, T. 2011. Status and prospects of Guinea pig husbandry in Tanzania – a case study in two villages in Iringa Region. MSc thesis at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany. 89 pp.
  • Matthiesen, T., Nyamete, F., Msuya, J.M. and Maass, B.L. 2011. Importance of guinea pig husbandry for the livelihood of rural people in Tanzania – a case study in Iringa Region. Presented at “Development at the Margin”, Tropentag, 5-7 Oct. 2011, University of Bonn, Germany. Book of Abstracts, p. 342. (URL: [[7]])
  • Mwalukasa, L.N. 2009. Management, productivity and socio-economic attributes of guinea pigs in Njombe district. MSc thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. 111 pp. (URL:
  • NBS (National Bureau of Statistics). 2012. Livestock Sector – National Report – Census of Agriculture 2007/2008. National Sample Census of Agriculture – Small Holder Agriculture. Vol. III: Livestock Sector – National Report. The Government of The United Republic of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. URL: [[8]]

Last update: 23 May 2018