References DRC

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Publications on cavies (Cavia porcellus) and cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Journal articles and book chapters

  • Bacigale, S., Paul, B.K., Muhimuzi, F.L., Mapenzi, N., Peters, M. and Maass, B.L. 2014. Characterizing feeds and feed availability in Sud-Kivu province, DR Congo.Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales 2 (1):9-11. (URL: [[1]])
  • Bindelle, J., Ilunga, Y., Delacollette, M., Muland Kayij, M., Umba di M’Balu, J., Kindele, E. and Buldgen, A. 2007. Voluntary intake, chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of fresh forages fed to Guinea pigs in periurban rearing systems of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo), Tropical Animal Health and Production 39 (6):419-426.
  • Bindelle J., Kinsama A., Picron P., Umba di M’Balu J., Kindele E. and Buldgen A. 2009. Nutritive value of unconventional fibrous ingredients fed to Guinea pigs in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tropical Animal Health and Production 41:1731-1740.
  • Heri, C.T., Mituga, N.V., Lutwamuzire, C.D., Bacishoga, Z.S., Metre, T. and Sanvura M.V. de P. 2015. Caractérisation des ectoparasites en élevage de cobaye et essai de traitement par l’huile de palme associé au kérosène dans le territoire de Walungu. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 14 (1):70-82. (URL: [[2]])
  • Kampemba, F.M., Tshibangu, I.M., Nyongombe, N.U. and Hornick, J.L. 2017. Palatability of nine fodders species used by guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Tropical Animal Health and Production (online first 07 Sep 2017; URL: [[3]]).
  • Maass, B.L., Chiuri, W.L., Zozo, R., Katunga-Musale, D., Metre, T.K. and Birachi, E. 2013. Using the ‘livestock ladder’ as a means for poor crop–-livestock farmers to exit poverty in Sud-Kivu province, Eastern DR Congo. Chapter 11, pp. 145-155 in: Vanlauwe, B., van Asten, P. and Blomme, G. (eds.). Agro-Ecological Intensification of Agricultural Systems in the African Highlands. Earthscan, London, UK. (Preview of book).
  • Maass, B.L., Katunga-Musale, D., Chiuri, W.L. and Peters, M. 2012. Challenges and opportunities for smallholder livestock production in post-conflict South Kivu, eastern DR Congo. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44 (6):1221-1232 (Published online: 29 Jan 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s11250-011-0061-5. URL: [[4]]).
  • Maass, B.L., Metre, T.K., Tsongo, F., Mugisho, A.B., Kampemba, F.M., Ayagirwe, R.B.B., Azine, P.C., Bindelle, J. and Chiuri, W.L. 2014. From taboo to commodity: History and current situation of cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (8), Article #151, URL: [[5]] (online 1 Aug. 2014).
  • Metre, T.K. 2011. Small, healthy, high-yielding. Rural21 – The International Journal for Rural Development 45 (1):40-42 [2011 Apr 02]. URL:[[6]].
  • Mfoukou-Ntsakala, A., Bitémo, M., Speybroeck, N., Van Huylenbroeck, G. and Thys, E. 2006. Agriculture urbaine et subsistance des ménages dans une zone de post-conflit en Afrique centrale. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 10 (3):237-249.
  • Nkidiaka, O. 2004. Les pratiques d’élevage en milieu urbain et péri urbain de la ville de Kinshasa: synthèse générale des enquêtes. Troupeaux et Cultures des Tropiques 3:50-52.
  • Paul, B.K, Muhimuzi, F.L., Bacigale, S.B., Wimba, B.M., Chiuri, W.L., Amzati, G.S. and Maass, B.L. 2016. Towards an assessment of agroecological adaptation and on-farm niches for improved forages in Sud-Kivu, DR Congo. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS) 117 (2):243-254. (URL: [[7]]).
  • Sikiminywa, K.L., Godeau, J.M., Nyongombe, U.F. and Hornick, J.L. 2013. Breeding of guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus, L. 1758) for meat production in Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo: Literature review and breeding scheme. Revue Africaine de Santé et de Productions Animales 11 (2):75-83. (URL: [[8]])
  • Simtowe, F., Paul, B.K., Wimba, B.M.M., Chiuri, W.L. and Maass, B.L. 2017. Determinants of participation in cavy marketing: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS) 118 (2):245-257 (URL: [[9]]).
  • Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.C.K., Ilaka, A.N., Ngulu, A.N., Tshikung, K.M.D., Atangana, A. and Khasa, D. 2016. Mortalité de jeunes cobayes (Cavia porcellus) croisés et ses principales causes autour de Kinshasa, R D Congo. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (7): Article #128. URL: [[10]].
  • Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.C.K., Ngulu, A.N., Khang’Mate, F. and Lunumbi, J.B.O. 2017a. Étude du rendement à l’abattage des cobayes hybrides issus des croisements entre souches parentales d’origine diverses au Centre expérimental de Kimwenza dans la zone périphérique de Kinshasa. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (J. Anim. Plant Sci.) 32 (1):5104-5110. (URL: [[11]])
  • Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.K., Lunumbi, J.B.O., Atangana, A. and Khasa, D. 2017b. Variation phénotypique des traits quantitatifs de Cavia porcellus: une première étape vers l’amélioration de l’espèce en RD Congo. Journal of Applied Biosciences 117 (1):11720-11729. (URL: [[12]])
  • Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.K., Khand’Mate, F.A. and Ipungu, R.L.N. 2017c. Étude expérimentale sur la reproduction chez le cobaye (Cavia porcellus) élevé en zone périphérique de Kinshasa, RD Congo. Journal of Applied Biosciences 117 (1):11730-11736. (URL: [[13]])

Conference abstracts, popular articles and other

  • Katunga-Musale, Bacigale-Bashizi, S., Katunga, F.B. and Maass, B.L. 2012. Feeding rabbits and cavies with improved forage legumes in South Kivu, DR Congo. Presented at “Resilience of agricultural systems against crisis”, Tropentag, 19-21 Sep. 2012, University of Göttingen, Germany. Book of Abstracts p. 61. (URL: [[14]])
  • Maass, B.L., Katunga-Musale, D., Chiuri, W.L., Zozo, R. and Peters, M. 2010a. Livelihoods of smallholders in South Kivu depend on small livestock: the case of the “cobaye”. Presented at Tropentag, 14-16 Sep. 2010, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Book of Abstracts, p. 392. (Full paper URL: [[15]]).
  • Maass, B.L., Katunga Musale, D., Chiuri, W.L. and Peters, M. 2010b. Diagnostic survey of livestock production in South Kivu/DR Congo. Working Document no. 210, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Nairobi, Kenya. 36 pp. (URL: [[16]]).
  • Metre, T.K. 2005. Mon compagnon: Le cobaye Cavia porcellus L., expériences personnelles au Kivu, R.D. Congo. Bulletin BEDIM 14(1):9-11.
  • Nguizani, P.B. 2001. Inventaire des fourrages utilisés dans l’alimentation de Cavia porcellus L. (Caviidae) à Mbanza-Ngungu (R.D. Congo). BEDIM Bull. 10 (2):28-29.Nguizani_2001_CaviaPorcellus_Forage_DRC_BEDIM_BULL10.2.pdf[| Nguizani_2001_CaviaPorcellus_Forage_DRC_BEDIM_BULL10.2.pdf] 57 KB
  • Zozo, R., Chiuri, W.L., Katunga Musale, D. and Maass, B.L., 2010, Report of a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) in the groupements of Miti-Mulungu and Tubimbi, South Kivu/DR Congo, Working Document no. 211, (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Nairobi, Kenya), 32 p. (URL: [[17]])


  • Bacigale, S.B. 2016. Assessment of the nutritional value and economic utility of Canavalia brasiliensis for cavy (Cavia porcellus) production under Sud-Kivu farming system. MSc thesis at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. 109 pp.
  • Kampemba Mujinga, F. 2011. Élevage de cobaye (Cavia porcellus) à Lubumbashi: Interêt, état des lieux et évaluation de la teneur en metaux lourds des fourrages. Mémoire présenté pour l’obtention du Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) en Sciences Agronomiques. Université de Lubumbashi, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Département de Zootechnie. Lubumbashi, DR Congo. 84 pp.
  • Metre, T.K. 2012. Possibilités d’amélioration de l’élevage de cobaye (Cavia porcellus L.) au Sud Kivu, à l’est de la République Democratique du Congo. MSc thesis. Université de Liège-Gembloux, Belgium. 67 pp.
  • Mugisho-Buhashe, A. 1995. Promotion de l’élevage familial des cobayes projet d’une station pilote expérimentale à Mulamba. Travail presenté pour l’obtention du diplôme de gradué en développement rural de niveau A1, Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Bukavu, DRC. 55 pp. Part 1

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Last update: 11 April 2018