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FEAST Training in Cameroon

FEAST training at University of Dschang, Cameroon 5-8 March 2013. Feed assessment training on the FEAST tool conducted by Brigitte Maass (CIAT) was on the theoretic basis of the tool at University of Dschang and with a field assessment to generate data in Badengang (quartier), Batcham village in the western highlands of Cameroon. Participants included university staff, students, cavy farmers and members of the regional Cavy Innovation Platform. Participants

FEAST Materials - modified for DRC

Questionnaire adapted to cavy culture and translated into French File:feast_questionnaire_translated_adapted.docx Forage identification template File:Local_forage_survey_template_sb.xlsx Forage identification preliminary report File:Forage identification_SK_DRC.docx Budget & workplan FEAST File:Budget_activities_FEAST_DRC_final.xlsx File:Planning_activities_FEAST_DRC.xlsx

Demonstration trials in DRC

File:Protocole Essais Demonstration et multiplication bp.doc Protocole Valence File:VALENCE PROTOCOLE Valence BP.doc Protocole Mushagala File:PROTOCOLE DE RECHERCHE-Mushaga BP.doc